ANDRÉ RAMOS TAVARES is a lawyer over 20 years experience as a Public Law advisor and has achieved professional recognition from the largest and most respected law firms as well a representative associations, trade unions, prominent companies, domestic and international professional associations for building solutions that are innovative and legally sound.

André Ramos Tavares is a renowned author of legal works, with over 20 published books and international papers with impact on the opinion of scholars. He has been awarded the Prêmio Jabuti in 2007 for his Fronteiras da Constitucional Hermeneutica.

André Ramos Tavares is a full Professor of the Department of Economic, Financial and Tax Law, at the Law School of Largo São Francisco, USP. He is a Professor at PUC-SP, where he graduated as Valedictorian of all 1994 classes and was awarded the Professor Antônio de Queiroz Filho. He concluded his Master’s and Doctorate degrees while still at PUC, in addition to holding the position of Provost of the Strictu Sensu in te Post- Graduate programs (2008-2012).

His academic career has a strong international base. In 2012 he was invited to the prestigious University of Bologna, Italy, as a Visiting Professor, in addition to Visiting Professor at the St. Petersburg, Russia. Since 2008 he has been a member of the faculty of the Doctorate Program in Public Law at the University of Bari, Italy, and of several scientific councils of research and law reviews. In 2006 he was invited as Visiting Professor at the Cardozo School of Law (NY-USA) and the University of Krakow (Poland), among others.

He is the founder and first president of the Brazilian Institute of Constitutional Studies. He launched the most circulated and respected publication The Brazilian

Constitutional Studies Review and has been its coordinator since its conception in 2007. Elected in 2013, he is currently the President of the Brazilian Association of Constitutional Procedural Law in Curitiba.

Within the Government, André Ramos Tavares also has vast experience and was a District Attorney in 1999. In 2010 he was elected by the full court of The Superior Electoral Court – TSE, as The Director of the National Electoral Judicial School (TSE) for 2010-2012, being the only lawyer in history to receive this honorable position. He currently heads the Advisory Council of the Presidency of The National Council of Justice – CNJ.